Why Action Research?

There are many benefits of conducting action research which can be seen through the examples given. The first benefit of action research is that focus driven on school related issues and problems that directly impact the lived of educators. Action research also adds some personally researched validity to many new practices and theories versus taking the latest released best practice and running with it with no regard to if it is actually improving student or teacher performance. Another benefit of action research is that is serves as a form of professional development for teachers, school, and district leaders. Action research commits teachers to become active researchers engaged in relevant information. Also allowing them to learn a good amount about their students, teachers, and projects and programs through first hand inquiry and direct involvement with the process that will lead towards positive outcomes. By allowing educators the opportunity to challenge themselves intellectually, analytically, and in reflective practices the benefits of it becoming a habit is increased and it adds to their personal confidence and commitment levels. This form of research also allows opportunities to cultivate collective working groups and improve communication abilities through the entire school community taking into consideration the students, parents, teachers, administrations, and district and community leaders.
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